Preventing Hiccups in Newborns
February 28, 2024

Discover effective strategies for parents to prevent and manage hiccups in newborns. Learn when to seek help and how to provide relief to your little one. Find out the best ways to ensure your baby’s comfort and well-being.
Hiccups in newborns are a common occurrence in infants under 12 months old, often happening daily for some babies. While they may seem bothersome, especially for new parents, it’s essential to understand that hiccups are typically harmless and even play a role in your baby’s development.
In this article, we will explore the causes of newborn hiccups, effective strategies to manage them, what not to do when your baby has hiccups, how to prevent them when to seek medical advice, and key takeaways for parents.
What Causes Hiccups in Newborns?
Hiccups in newborns are primarily caused by spasms or cramps in the diaphragm, the large muscle responsible for breathing. Common feeding behaviors like overfeeding, eating too quickly, or swallowing air can lead to these spasms and result in hiccups.
While most hiccups are harmless, frequent episodes may indicate underlying conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It’s important to monitor your baby for other symptoms of GERD and consult a doctor if needed.
1. Permit hiccups to occur naturally
In most cases, newborn hiccups go away on their own within 5-10 minutes and do not require intervention. Unless your baby appears distressed, it’s best to let the hiccups resolve naturally.
If hiccups persist for an extended period or seem to bother your baby, seeking medical advice is recommended.
2. Give the infant a burp while feeding
Burping your baby while feeding can help release trapped air in the stomach, reducing the likelihood of hiccups. Follow the recommended guidelines for burping bottle-fed and breastfed infants to promote better digestion and prevent hiccups.
3. Rub or massage the infant’s back
Gently massaging or rubbing your baby’s back in a circular motion can aid in releasing excess air and relaxing the diaphragm, potentially stopping the hiccups. Rocking your baby back and forth gently can also be soothing.
4. Make Use of a Pacifier
Offering your baby a pacifier to suck on, especially during random hiccups, can help soothe the diaphragm and halt the hiccups. Pacifiers are known to provide comfort and distraction for babies.
5. Give water to the baby’s grip
While gripe water, an herbal remedy, is not scientifically proven to stop hiccups, some parents find it helpful in easing stomach discomfort and reducing hiccups. Always consult with your pediatrician before trying any new remedies.
What Not to Do If a Baby Gets Hiccups?
Avoid trying unproven remedies like making your baby jump, startling them, pulling their tongue, or making them sip water upside down to stop hiccups. These methods can be harmful and ineffective.
Always rely on evidence-based advice from healthcare professionals to manage hiccups in newborns safely.
How to Prevent Hiccups in Newborns?
Preventing hiccups in newborns can be challenging, but following certain strategies can help minimize their occurrence. Ensuring your baby is calm during feeding, opting for smaller and more frequent meals, and keeping them upright after eating are some effective ways to prevent hiccups.
When to Seek Medical Advice for Newborn Hiccups
While most newborn hiccups are harmless, excessive or persistent hiccups, especially when accompanied by distress or other symptoms, may require medical attention. If your baby struggles to breathe or feed, shows signs of low oxygen levels, or experiences prolonged hiccups, seek immediate medical help.
Hiccups in newborn are a natural part of infancy and often resolve on their own. By understanding the causes, implementing effective strategies, and knowing when to seek help, parents can navigate newborn hiccups with confidence and ensure their baby’s well-being.
Remember, always consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby’s health or if hiccups persist beyond what is considered normal.
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