A Step-by-step Guide to Feeding Your Babies Properly
December 7, 2019

For most new mothers-to-be, baby feeding is a whole new experience. Thinking about this new responsibility can be both scary and threatening, especially before the arrival of the baby. We may fear that infant feeding should follow a strict baby feeding schedule. However, if anything goes wrong, it will be our own fault and nobody else’s. Sounds scary? You do not have to be bothered reading this because your fear will instantly be replaced by excitement and overwhelming joy. You may use some step-by-step guide to get information on every stage- from birth to the age of 3.
It is the responsibility of the mother to assure herself and the baby of safe breastfeeding if she is planning to do so. Consulting a surgeon who operated on you and the OB-GYN are the best and the most reasonable ways to answer your question. It is true that, after surgery, breastfeeding a baby can be unsafe. Years later, the surgery may not give you any problems at all. On the other hand, if a mother has to undergo an operation, she can still feed her infant by using formula milk that is prescribed and recommended by the pediatrician. Breastfeeding a baby strengthens the bond and this gives more excitement to the whole experience of infants being fed.
For feeding babies about 4-months-old and over, powdered formula is the cheapest. You have to mix the milk with sterilized water but beware of the brands seriously! Also, remember that sometimes our babies can be choosy! You may buy a very expensive brand that will be wasted in the end. In any case, to be on the safe side, do consult one of the best Pediatrics Doctors in Pune Hospital before feeding your baby.
Finally, at this 4-6 month stage of your baby’s development, signs of readiness for solid foods are already observed and the feeding schedule will be a lot different from an infant feeding schedule. The signs to look for include the ability to hold his head up by himself, sits well in a highchair, beginning to make chewing motion, weight gain, closing mouth around a spoon and finally moving his tongue back and forth. Being a mother is definitely a blessing from God and getting a consultation by reputable pediatrics at a leading Pediatric hospital in Pune is worth considering all the way for your baby’s health.