Normal Delivery After Cesarean Section (C-Section)

Normal Delivery After Cesarean

If you’ve had at least one previous C-section, you might wonder if you can have a successful vaginal birth or normal delivery after cesarean section in the future. The answer is that you most likely can. According to studies, vaginal birth following cesarean delivery has a success rate of 60% to 70%. Discuss your individual risks for each delivery method as well as your birth preferences with your healthcare practitioner.

The journey of childbirth is a momentous one, and for those who have previously undergone a cesarean section (C-section), the possibility of experiencing a normal delivery after a cesarean section also called vaginal birth after cesarean section  (VBAC) raises intriguing questions., Right?

Well, In this article, we delve into the topic of achieving a normal delivery after cesarean section (VBAC), exploring the benefits, risks, considerations, and important factors that can shape this unique birthing experience.

What is a normal delivery after cesarean section?

Once you’ve had a C-section, there are two main choices for your next birth: another C-section or trying for a VBAC. VBAC means having your baby through your birth canal. VBAC offers a chance to embrace the natural childbirth experience, and its viability hinges on several factors.

What is the postpartum labor test?

A big part of deciding about VBAC is a test done after birth. If the test goes well, you could have a normal delivery. If not, doctors might suggest another C-section. This test helps them make the safest choice for you and your baby.

Benefits of normal delivery after cesarean section

Going for a VBAC has some good sides, like:

  • Skipping possible problems that come with many C-sections.
  • Less time is needed to heal and a shorter hospital stay.
  • Lower chance of infections and less bleeding.
  • Helping with problems caused by lots of C-sections, like damage to your body and issues with your placenta during the next pregnancy.

Possible risks of normal delivery after c-section

While VBAC can be good, there are things to watch out for, such as:

  • Chances of infections and troubles during birth.
  • A rare but serious problem called “uterine rupture” could hurt both you and your baby.
  • The type of cut on your womb from your earlier C-section might play a part in how things go this time.
  • Keeping records from your past births helps doctors know what kind of cut you had.

Impact of uterine incision types

Understanding where and how your womb was cut before is really important. There are different ways:

Transverse incision: The doctor creates an incision across the uterus’s lowest and thinnest section. This is the most common incision and carries the lowest risk of subsequent uterine rupture.

Low longitudinal incision: The doctor performs an incision from the top down in the lowest and thinnest part of the uterus. This style of incision has a higher risk of uterine rupture than a transverse incision

Vertical incision in a high position (traditional cesarean section): At the top of the uterus, the doctor makes an incision from the top down. This incision approach has the highest risk of uterine rupture in the future. In extreme situations, such as very early birth, women are required to make longitudinal incisions.

How to recognize the old incision type?

Merely examining external scars falls short of determining the uterine incision type. Expectant mothers are advised to maintain comprehensive medical records detailing their previous births and the specifics of their cesarean procedures to ensure accurate evaluation.

Which hospital offers normal delivery after cesarean section?

VBAC deliveries demand expertise due to potential complexities. Selecting an adept medical facility with experienced professionals in managing VBAC scenarios is paramount for expectant mothers.

Could there be an issue with changing the plan?

Expectant mothers pursuing VBAC should recognize that birth plans can evolve due to unforeseen circumstances. These changes could potentially lead to a command delivery. Such adaptability, while requiring consideration, ultimately prioritizes the safety and well-being of both mother and child. 

Conversely, a planned cesarean section might evolve into a viable option for vaginal or normal delivery under certain conditions, with the primary focus remaining on maternal and fetal health.


The journey towards a successful normal delivery after cesarean section involves thorough deliberation of options, awareness of potential risks, and appreciation of the benefits. Open and informed communication with healthcare providers, understanding the implications of uterine scar types, and selecting a suitable medical institution all contribute to a positive and safe birthing experience. 

Every woman’s circumstance is unique, and by embracing knowledge and making well-informed choices, expectant mothers can navigate this journey with confidence and empowerment.

Where to Seek Help?

If you require further information about normal delivery after cesarean section and related issues, please get in touch with medical professionals at Medipoint offers exceptional healthcare services in Pune, providing expert guidance on maternal concerns. Our dedicated medical professionals ensure personalized care and reliable support for a safe and informed birthing journey.

To utilize the services, make an appointment today!

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